Берзин про неуместность термина "уровень" в контексте двух истин:
Please don't get confused by the usual reference to these as "the two levels of truth." There is no word "level" here. "Level" implies that the deepest truth - usually translated as "ultimate" or "absolute," as if it were some transcendent thing - is a higher level. Consequently, we might have the idea that the conventional level is no good, so we want to go to the transcendent level, because that is where everything is going to be peaceful and blissful and we don't have to deal with all the problems on the conventional level.

Let's throw the word "level" out the window because it is not there in the original languages. We are just speaking about two aspects of things that are true and correct. One is the appearance (the conventional level) and the other is the way in which things exist, with an absence of existing in impossible ways.
1)Такого слова просто в оригинале, 2)в качестве выражения смысла в данном контексте оно не только лишнее, но и 3)вносящее посторонние смыслы. На этом основании предлагается "выбросить его в окно".