17.01.2021 в 15:23 (4987 Показов)
В Колита сутте (СН 21.1) пребывание во второй джхане, в которой прекращаются витакка и вичара, называют благородным молчанием (ariyo tuṇhībhāvo).
Колита сутта на пали: https://suttacentral.net/sn21.1/pli/ms
Перевод Бхикху Бодхи на английский: https://suttacentral.net/sn21.1/en/bodhi
“Here, friends, while I was alone in seclusion, a reflection arose in my mind thus: ‘It is said, “noble silence, noble silence.” What now is noble silence?’
“Then, friends, it occurred to me: ‘Here, with the subsiding of thought and examination, a bhikkhu enters and dwells in the second jhana, which has internal confidence and unification of mind, is without thought and examination, and has rapture and happiness born of concentration. This is called noble silence.’